Our deeds write our epitaphs. Who controls our deeds? Who do we SAY controls our deeds?
Seneca knew what was up when it came to right-living with agency. He asked, “Is it really so pleasant to die in harness?” Maybe… but we need to know what it is we’re harnessed to. Is it Virtuous? Is it Self-serving? Once you know, how will that look on your headstone? In the end, will your work be what takes you out? Before you answer, think about what Russian historian and communism critic, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn said when he noted that, “Work is what horses die of.” Always remember, you are a human being, not a human doing.
What are you losing or surrendering in order to have a fancy inscription on your headstone?
Maybe you see it as a sacrifice? Really? Is it sacra facere? If so, what is it that you’re making sacred? Fame? Superior feelings? Ego?
Live in such a way that you make your Epitaph worth dying for.
(See y’all tomorrow)