“Ooooh! I get to go to work today! Sweet.”
“Uggh… I have to honor all these obligations. Bleh.”
“Ooooh! I get to honor all these obligations! Sweet.”
See where I’m going with this? If we approach our duty as a gift, privilege, or blessing, it’s suddenly easier to bear, and a lighter load, if not more inspiring.
Well, what happens when shit goes wrong, William?
Well… I’ll tell ya.
Fate happens. It’s not wrong. It’s science and unfortunate timing. Making it about you makes it wrong.
Stuck in traffic? Instead of having to deal with this shitty traffic, you could get to have the opportunity to practice patience, or get a chance to talk more with your passengers, or get to smile at other folx having a shitty time in traffic.
I get to write my blog every day. Sure, some days I forget, or don’t want to do it. At the end of it, however, I get to share my thoughts with y’all, and that’s a blessing I get to have.
So, what do you get to do today?
Whatever it is: Enjoy it. Savor it. Revel in it. Love it.
(See y’all tomorrow)