For there to be peace of spirit, one must release their attachment to those things beyond their control.
Heard this before?
Tired of hearing this?
Isn't there more to this Stoicism thing?
Consider this: if you're frustrated by the repetitive nature of this teaching, it's because you're attached to an implicit expectation on something not in your control.
So, in our frustration, we continually reach back to this core teaching...
... and let go
... over and over
... and over again.
(mindful pause)
Epictetus encourages us to keep this teaching on hand at all times: upon rising, throughout the day, before going to bed... in each heartbeat, surrender ALL that's beyond your control to the gods and to chance. (Discourses 4.4.39)
After all, with clarity, we see that our very sanity depends on that surrender.
(See y'all tomorrow)