I’m sure I’m gonna catch nine kinds of hell for saying that YOU are your most valuable asset and not something else like capital, stocks, or some other such thing.
I’m sure I’m gonna hear how dare I take such a stance when there are those who are housing and food insecure, those who have no resources, etc. etc. etc. How could these people see themselves as their most valuable asset when they have nothing?
I’m sure I’m gonna have to eat a ration of crap because I have a profound belief in the sheer power of the human spirit.
It’s OK. I accept and embrace that as my fate.
(#BigRedHeartYourFate #ItIsWhatItIs)
I’ve dared, caught hell, and eaten metaphorical shit-sandwiches before. The difference now is that I’m not doing those things for selfish reasons like in my youth. I’m daring, and catching hell so that, gods be good, I can offer others a momentary pause to remember that they are not ruled by their egoic, identity-sickness ridden delusions. Gods be good, I can help folx believe in the existence of their own inherent, virtue-based resilience and power, because…
… even when we have no money, no resources, no home, no food, no anything… what we DO have is ourselves.
If we invest in ourselves as our primary asset, we’ll find that even though things go pear-shaped, we’ll have the “resources” to get through.
One last thing: if you’re here to read this now, your past struggles, even the “impossible” ones, didn’t kill you. Even if you didn’t invest in yourself, you were still resilient enough by default.
Imagine what you’d be if you invested in your most valuable asset.
(See y’all tomorrow)