What IS real?
Is it the shape, size, markings, and color that makes something real? Is it the intrinsic value of something? If value is rooted in societal agreements, then at any time even that which is “real” could find itself worthless.
On the streets of major U.S. cities there are people making a living, every day, by selling counterfeit watches, purses, clothes, and so much more. There’s a huge demand. Why? Because in this culture, it’s not about how well we’re actually doing, it’s about appearing like we’re doing well… and there’s a huge cost to that practice.
What’s all this got to do with Stoicism? Well...
When it comes to currency, purses, watches, etc., we put a huge amount of effort into being about to recognize authenticity, but when it comes to our feelings, minds, and thoughts, we rarely scrutinize their authenticity. Like rubes on the streets of Times Square, we buy our bullshit thoughts without question, our unexplored emotions without examination, and our opinions without introspection.
Let’s not be a bunch of suckers, ok?
(See y’all tomorrow)