A benefit should be kept like a buried treasure, only to be dug up in necessity… Nature bids us to do well by all… Wherever there is a human being, we have an opportunity for kindness.”
Seneca, On the Happy Life, 24.2-3
We encounter a plant… maybe it’s thirsty, or needs some shade. Quench its thirst. Be its shade. We encounter an Ancestor, or memory of one… maybe they’re hungry. Feed them. We encounter an animal… maybe it’s cold. Be its warmth.
This reminds me of a prayer I wrote a couple years ago:
A Prayer for the Pagan Bodhisattva
In this lifetime, and the next…
... may I be as a great library for all seeking liberation from ignorance.
May I be a Holy Flame that all lost in darkness can find their way.
May I be as the Seer's tools, a map to guide others to places unknown.
May I be a bridge for all crossing the River of Fear.
May I be the spirit of Perseverance for all who want to surrender.
May I be as a cleansing spring against the stains of disgrace.
May I be as a laden table that all may receive and be sustained.
May I be as fertile soil, an impelling force of growth for all.
May I be as a finely-tuned scale for all seeking balance…
... and a servant to all in need.
In closing, remember there’s always a chance to step away from kindness if it comes to that, but it’s nigh impossible to return to it once we’ve stepped away.
(See y’all tomorrow)