So many challenges befall us while we’re just minding our own business, tryin’ to get through life, tryin’ to get to tomorrow… shit, sometimes just tryin’ to get out of bed. The scope of life’s challenges can be overwhelming, and it becomes even worse when we can’t get out of our own heads, and after dwelling on it all, we find ourselves in the space of inaction, where we are trapped between past failures and a hopeless future. We’ve all been there, and we’ll all be there again. But remember, if you’re sitting here reading this, you made it through.
OK… sure, we made it through.
Looking back at those hard times, however, we often wonder how the heck we made it through. We wonder what miracle happened that we got from there to here. How did we survive the impossible odds, and antagonistic circumstances? Well, as usual, Rev. Badger is gonna burst the bubble of miracle and magic by giving you the answer:
You were busier than a one-legged person in an ass-kickin’ contest, and didn’t even notice you were doing gettin’ through.
You had your hands full being busy with THE PRESENT MOMENT, and likely didn’t have time to worry about the whole scope of a situation crushing down upon you. In that moment, you made it through by being present with what was in front of you. In the middle of the hurricane, you were at it’s eye. See, each moment, each blip of the present, is an opportunity for you to be completely present. In each moment, we won’t have the power to get rid of those greater circumstances beyond our control, but we do have the power to affect that which is right before our eyes.
An incredible amount of stress comes from thinking we can control things that are, in reality, beyond our control. The answer to that is not to go deeper into plotting the past and scheming the future, but to simply do what’s in front of us. That’s it.
Keep your heads down, focus on the moment without worrying about past ones or future ones, do what’s in front of you, and gods be good, I’ll…
(... see y’all tomorrow.)