See, my friend, a person of high Integrity, has a hard time holding down long time work because she’s a strong, justice-oriented, opinionated person who isn't afraid to share what she sees as systemically broken in the systems within which she works. Needless to say, people in power don’t like hearing such unabridged truth, as their egos won’t allow it.
By the end of our chat, we came to the realization that she has a lifetime (literally) of insights into education and recreation systems, and that unless she “stakes her own claim” and takes matters into her own hands (aka - starting a consulting business or a not-for-profit that aims to identify and repair systemic issues within educational and recreational systems) she’ll continue to try and apply the rules by which she works to someone else’s claim… and keep getting fired. Cheapening her integrity isn’t an option. While some people want her to diminish her fire and fury to squeeze herself into a conforming box, she and I (and her immediate family) know that if she did that she wouldn’t be the person we’ve all come to love and respect over a lifetime.
She needs to stake her own claim.
Venturing out on one's own is definitely more difficult, and a lot more frightening than walking a road not your own, and parroting the thoughts and intentions of others. But, we must remember that our experiences and life lessons have their own undeniable value, not to mention a ton of their own unique Wisdom.
In closing, my friend shared with me why she models her own Integrity like she does: so her kiddo can see what Integrity looks like, and to inspire that child to be their own adamantine rock of virtue… just like their mom.
Summum Bonum - the greater good. When we live for the greatest good, we cannot compromise virtue and integrity for that life. If we do, we’d be living a lie. Doing what’s right, no matter the situation or cost, is paramount…
… and right-doing rarely happens until we can stake claim on our own inherent power, wisdom, and virtue.
May we all have the wherewithal to do what must be done before life’s end.
(See y’all tomorrow)