“If you really want to do something for people, come up with something that works with addicts and their process.”
After I recovered from not being heard, and the surprise of hearing something so disengaged, and uninterested from a respected leader, I replied to his challenge by saying:
“We already have it.”
… and I excused myself for the evening.
In short, we HAVE standards that can be applied from the darkness of addiction across the spectrum, from daily life to abject strife. We have standards. We call them the Nine Virtues. Wisdom, Piety, Vision, Courage Integrity, Perseverance, Hospitality, Moderation, and Fertility. We have standards of virtuous behavior, and a roadmap to return to the mean.
If we don’t USE that roadmap, well then… that’s our problem. User error.
Funny thing is that the Nine Virtues were put together and submitted to the overall organization by the very leader I was talking to. They’ve been in play for decades.
But if one doesn’t follow the standards one sets for others, others aren’t inclined to look to them to be an example of those standards.
It also makes one rather disingenuous.
I choose to live by a higher standard.
(See y’all tomorrow)