When we see others paying exorbitant amounts for the above things, we understand this price to be OK. $2-3K for a great suit, $10K for a watch, and $80-100K for a badass car. The time and energy it took to raise that kind of money all balances out once we have the goods in hand, right?
Peace of mind, a happy spirit, and a life with little stress… what are those things worth?
When we die, we won’t be able to take any of it with us… be it a shiny car, or peace of mind… we will only look back on our time here and weigh what we have against what we’ve “spent” to get it.
Invest in the things for life that have actual value, and that cannot memdevalued or taken by others.
Gods be good, we’ll come out ahead in the end.
(See y’all tomorrow)