We mere mortals; however, are not the children of Krypton, filled with the power of this solar system’s yellow sun. We’re not Kryptonians. We’re Earthlings. More specifically, human beings...
… and as such, are not invincible. Well, not like Kal-El, at least.
Invincibility, according to the topical Google search I did for “define invincible”, means “too powerful to be defeated or overcome”.
Short of having bulletproof skin or phenomenal strength, we quotidian folx still have the ability to cultivate and experience invincibility. Really. We do.
How? By developing an adamantine resolve in training our minds and emotions so we have control over them, not they over us. What we’re developing, according to the ancient Stoics, is prohairesis, or “reasoned choice”.
Epictetus says that those who are truly invincible, “... cannot be upset by anything outside their reasoned choice.” (Discourses, 1.18.21)
Poise, not pose. Patience, not passivity.
Invincibility, not illusion.
(See y’all tomorrow)