Words can hurt, and gaslighting is real. Much of Stoicism is easier said than done, and certain elements of the practice are easier depending on your level of privilege…
… sticks and stones can break bones, but words will never hurt.
I’d like to find more happiness in life, but before I can, I’ve got to remember that it’s my interpretations of the world around me that have the greatest effect on my happiness. It’s more difficult than it sounds, honestly. Filtering through my life, I’m always surprised to find how much of my experience of living is colored by my own ignorance and blindness. I’d have hoped to have gotten a better handle on things, but alas, ignorance and blindness are a part of living.
Marcus Aurelius says, “Do away with the opinion I am harmed, and the harm is cast away too. Do away wit( being harmed and harm disappears.” (Meditations, 4.7)
Did they mean what they said to be hurtful? Were they trying to harm or injure with what they said? No? Well…
We can’t control when people say shitty things… but we CAN control what we do, how we feel, or what we say next.
(See y’all tomorrow)