To folx who see power like that (as tool and advantage to be taken), then I suppose they have power.
What’s all this power stuff got to do with acceptance?
Well, one of the myriad reasons we seek power in the first place because we cannot accept the reality of a situation wherein we feel we may be, or are actually powerless. Worse yet, we could feel as if we are deserved of power-over because of our (whatever ridiculous reason) and can’t accept what “power” we have naturally in a structure or situation… because when we see power as a thing to be hoarded and wielded, and when we have precious little of that power-commodity, then we could indeed feel poor and hungry when it comes to the power game.
What can we do? We must change how we see power itself; change our relationship to and with power. We must transcend power.
When one starts wielding their reputations, accolades, accomplishments, and ranks like weapons, they are already seen as weak. Like Tywin Lannister said to his grandson, Joffrey, after hearing his tantrum-ridden power-play, “Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king.”
In other words: one becomes powerful when one transcends the need and desire to “have power”.
Finally, nothing is ever really yours unless you can give it away.
The same applies to power.
(See y’all tomorrow)