“Allow me to just me straight with you…”
“With all due respect…”
“Truth be told…”
I know I’m going to hear from the language folx out there. “These are all just expressions and sayings, William. Lighten up.” They’re just turns of phrase, right?
My response to them: No. They convey deeper meanings than just the words.
If we have to preface our words with the above phrases, does that mean that when we don’t say those things our default is to be dishonest, deceptive, and disrespectful? Likely, no. Most folx are honest people who look to practice integrity. I think that’s great! Why, then, do we default to the above phrases? My guess: ego. Ego causes us to not be honest with others because it feels that either the other people can’t handle honesty, OR we fear what would happen to us and our relationships if we were honest.
If that’s the case, and ego is driving the bus, are we really practicing integrity?
Something to think about.
Now, let’s get our external language matching our internal integrity. If we can do that, we’ll be in business...
… for honest, and for true.
(See y’all tomorrow)