Don’t waste one moment of your time (which if you didn’t know already, is THE most valuable, least renewable commodity human beings have) on things that are hollow and of little value for the greater good.
I can hear some of you now: “That’s easy for you to say, Rev. Badger. You don’t have a “regular” job. Most of us work because we simply need the money, and that work is often meaningless, but I still have to do it.” I get that, and here’s my response: If one is obligated to things that don’t matter (for whatever reason), then spend as little time and worry on those things as humanly possible.
If you spend a disproportionate amount of time on things that don’t matter, if you feed the “small stuff” your attention and energy, then the small stuff will definitely grow into bigger stuff… and thus, fulfilling the self-fulfilling prophecy you didn’t even know you had.
Think about what’s happening under-the-hood of “sweating the small stuff”. What’s happening is that small stuff is stealing time from more inherently valuable things: love, family, health, thus making those truly important things less important through your action and/or inaction.
Don’t give your most valuable resource to something or someone who wouldn’t do the same for you.
Sweating the small stuff makes one a small person.
May we put our sweat toward growth, and not staying small.
(See y’all tomorrow)