Remember: Employ these two keys, and we’ll unlock the prescription to deal with pain.
What happens, though, when we allow the little annoyances to rank as pain? What about when we’re tired, or haven’t eaten in a bit? What about when we can’t sleep, or have no appetite for food? When annoyances combine with ego, the delusion of “pain” happens… and we respond.
Remember: Nothing is permanent. We are built for resilience.
Giving in to pain, or compromising our integrity in hopes that the pain may stop is foolish. If the pain is coming from an outside source, we have no control over whether or not it’ll stop no matter what we do. If the pain is originating egoically from within, we can do something about it. If it’s chronic and ever-present?
Remember: Nothing is permanent. We are built for resilience.
There have been books written on pain management, dealing with chronic doses of it, and all sorts of opinions on the topic of pain. How many of them are full of identity sickness? How many of them bolster the ego? How many of them completely forget the very root-of-power when it comes to dealing with pain:
Nothing is permanent. We are built for resilience.
(See y’all tomorrow)