I’ve previously told congregants that, “it’s all about relationships”. Maybe, it’s really all about control?
Well, it kinda is.
Here’s why:
Like in the movie, The Matrix, all that is “real” passes through the engine of our minds. No experience, person, feeling, or anything, really, is beyond the reach of our minds. Judgements, and opinions originate there. Everything.
So, if Mind is the one thing that is touched by everything, then the only inhabitant of the “Circle of Control” is… (wait for it)...
Meaning, the one thing in which we have to learn to be in right-relationship with is our minds.
From there, it all begins… and ends. Alpha and Omega. First and Last. Only.
OK, hang on, you might be saying. Is it not a more complex process to achieve the ever-elusive clarity? This can’t be it, right?
Wrong. That’s all there is. Mind.
For me, there’s something very comforting about this. Why? Because that means I’ve only got one thing to remember to practice: disciplining my mind by intaking reality, and outputting humility.
Easy, right? ;)
We have one job. ONE job.
Perform it with excellence.
(See y’all tomorrow)