You hear the doorbell’s call. Without losing a moment you head to the door, and upon opening it you see the delivery driver holding what is soon to be dinner for you, your family, and your friends. You pay the delivery person and tip them generously. Walking back to the table around which everyone is seated and very ready to eat, you think to yourself: As the host, you’ve gathered everyone together, painstakingly took the orders, checked and double-checked the orders with each person. When you called in the order, you checked and double-checked to confirm the person taking it down got things right, without error. You did your part to ensure the upcoming meal was filled with sterling Hospitality, and culinary delights…
… and once unpacking your meal, and laying it out before your guests and kin, you all notice a couple of errors in what you had all hoped would be a flawless meal. As if on cue, EVERYONE looks at (read as: looked TO) you, the host, for what comes next.
In this moment, you and everyone else, is about to bear witness to your character. Everyone is about to see who you are as a person.
How you handle this moment IS who you are. This blip of time, this seemingly inconsequential annoyance defines you… whether you believe it does or not.
Do you make excuses? Do you blame others? Do you over-apologize? Do you say rude things about anyone or anything involved in this situation? Do you let this ruin the rest of what would have otherwise been a delightful evening? Do you move forward with this uncontrollable inconvenience with Courage, kindness, and dare I say… grace?
Your answer matters.
Just like it matters in each moment, in all you do and say… it matters.
Let adversity reveal an adamantine spirit when it comes looking. Let it find you prepared to remain in balance, and filled with Perspective. Let it find you awake and ready to meet it face-to-face.
Otherwise, what will it find? *shudders*
See y’all tomorrow)