Devotional/Prayer: Honoring the Family
Light the first two flames and speak the following:
On this, the second night of Yule,
we honor those people whom we call family.
Our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers,
Our aunts and uncles and cousins,
Our life-partners and our children,
Whether by blood and bone or by heart and hand,
We honor those whom we call part of our tribe.
We call out to the Earth Mother that she may provide for them, May they never go hungry. (offer grains)
We call out to the Sky Father that he may shine upon their path, May they know wisdom and direction. (offer incense)
We call out to the Gods and Goddesses of Protection, May they know safety and security. (offer spirits)
And we call out to the Gods and Goddesses of Healing, May they be whole and holy and heal swiftly from all ails. (offer milk)
Kindreds, All, Accept our offerings.