The following working is a sending of energy to the Earth for healing. Here in Colorado, Weld County does more fracking than any other location in the country. Traveling down US-85, the sense of distress from this terrible harm is evident for miles. It is after driving through the center of this place and feeling the cry for help that I wrote this piece:
A Working for Healing Energy to the Earth Mother
Hold Aloft a Pitcher of Water
Children of Earth, for we are Children of the Earth Mother,
It is on her behalf that I ask for your aid on this day.
We pray often round this Fire to “tread lightly” upon the bosom of the Mother,
And many of us have tales of our accomplishments in reducing, reusing, and recycling.
But, many, many more of us do not.
I don’t know how many of you have had a chance to drive from Greeley to Brighton on US-85.
If you haven’t, please make sure you are prepared before you venture there.
This road goes through the heart of Weld County, and the results of the supposedly harmless fracking process are evident here more than anywhere else.
There are more frack wells here than anywhere else in the country, and some of them are in corn fields.
The corn in these fields is allowed to grow right up to the wells.
Some of the wells have pools of steaming water next to them.
The horses in the fields are emaciated and sickly-looking.
The smell is atrocious, especially when you get up to the slaughterhouse.
The land is broken here. Our Mother is broken here.
As stewards of the land, As the Children of the Earth Mother,
It falls to us to do what we can to heal her wounds.
Not all of us are called to activism, but those of us who feel strongly, I encourage you to speak out for what you believe to be right.
For now, let us join our voices together to share in our health and blessings,
Given to us by the Earth,
That she may feel our love and devotion during this time of pain and sorrow.
Find your center once more, my friends.
From this place, draw up the intention for there to be healing for the Earth.
Join your voice with mine as I walk around and gather our love and devotion into this vessel that she may receive them.
Celebrant to lead a toning of raised voices and walk around the circle of folk to allow each of them to directly place their energy into the vessel. Once the Celebrant has completed the circuit, a final toning is raised with pitcher held high, and then the toning is ended.
With pitcher held aloft:
Earth Mother! Your Children hear your cries, and offer you this gift of healing!
May the thoughts and intentions we have placed into this, the Waters of Life,
Find their way to those wounds and bring you peace and strength!
Earth Mother! Accept this gift we give of ourselves!
Earth Mother, we honor you!
Sing with me now as we pour these waters!
Sing the Waters onto the Earth by leading an Earth Mother chant as you pour the contents onto the ground. Suggested songs include: Earth Mother, We honor your Body; Oh, Ma, Ma, Ma; Mother Earth Be With Us, and etc.