Children of Rig, we gather together with our Sacred Center made whole and holy by our words and by our will. From the Center of the Worlds, we call now to Lady Freyja and the Host of Valkyries to guide us through the Aether that our words may resound in all Nine Realms!
Lady Freyja, Mardoll, Brisingr-Magic Maiden,
Goddess of Siedhr and Foresight,
Goddess of the Chosen and Honored Dead,
Falcon-cloaked Weeper of Gold, we call to you now in thanks and honor!
You, who rules from your hall, Sesrumnir, where the chosen battle-slain await the final battle.
You who would carry the cup to the Giant in Odin’s hall when none had the courage to wait on him as required by hospitality.
You, who teaches Magic and Confidence to those you deem worthy of such skill.
Lady Freyja, join us round our Fire, be welcomed and warmed on this cold Solstice Night when the darkness has descended in full throughout the land.
Lady Freyja, Accept our Sacrifice!
Valkyrie who fly on Lady Freyja’s heels
to bring close the spirits who roam during this dark time of the year,
we call to you to join us round our Fire,
be welcomed and warmed on this cold Solstice Night
and fill this hall with your fierce and purposeful presence.
Ladies of the Night Sky, Ladies of the Battle-Slain,
Ladies of Courage and Prowess, Shield maidens,
we call to you with honor and praise for your virtues and power.
Valkyries, Accept our Sacrifice!
Join your magic with ours, Lady Freyja,
Gather us and ward us, Valkyries,
And make open the ways between
That our voices may be heard and offerings received by the Kindreds in all Nine Realms!
(Make the Pertho Rune over the Well)
Stretching to Hel, the land of the dead, is the Gjallar-bridge thatched with gold and clanging under the footsteps of the living. Our words echo in the Well of Wisdom, our words echo in the ears of the Alfar and Disir. Let the Well open as a Gate!
(Make the Kenaz rune over the Fire)
Stretching from our grove here in Midgard to the dwellings of the Gods in Asgard is Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge shimmering and shining as the Northern Lights. Our words soar over the Bifrost, our words soar into the Halls of the Aesir and Vanir. Let the Fire open as a Gate!
(Make the Eihwaz rune at the Tree)
Yggdrasil stands before us, the World-Tree, the Axis of all the Worlds. Our words travel the trunk of Yggdrasil, our words travel the Nine Realms on the wings of the Valkyries who fly the banner of Freyja’s Falcon–cloaked glory. Let this Tree become the pillar of the Worlds!
Freyja! Valkyies! Let the Gates be Opened! (Folk repeat)