If you’ve seen the present, you’ve seen all things, from time immemorial into all of eternity. For everything that happens is related and the same.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.37
The above quote reminds me of a prayer I’ve prayed thousands of times as a kid. Within the Gloria Patri is the phrase, “As it was in the beginning, is now, and forever shall be, world without end.” The undying, unending quality of certain things is a truth that permeates many cultures. This truth can pertain to divine beings, cycles of nature, behaviors of people… some things will be as they are.
I’m not talking about the over-individuated experiences we fill our lives with to make us special and unique. I’m talking about the things that are part of the human experience… not the individual experience. The sufferings and joys that connect us. The ego flare-ups that push us apart. Bouts of selfishness and self-pity… all these things have always been, and will always be.
People have been through all this before, and we’re going through it now, AND we’ll go through it all again (gods be good).
(See y’all tomorrow)